ShockTalk Radio Saturday nights
at 12am Sunday

contact: KWTF at
ShockTalk Radio dot com
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Monday's child is fair of face, Tuesday's child is full of grace, Wednesday's child is filled with woe, Thursday's child has far to go, Friday's child is loving and giving, Saturday's child works hard for a living, Sunday's child is good and gay, but now Doomsday's Child's come out to play...

Born in a little log condominium, the daughter of ignorant shareholders, Doomday's Child is an enigma wrapped in a conundrum then stuffed in a mystery. In other words, that Child is a metaphorical turducken.

Parents, teachers, and employers knew her as Trouble, but at the toppermost top of the highermost highest mountain in tibetermost Tibet, she is called Barbi Ram Das Bodhi O'Doh Dipdu Wao Yeh.

Well-educated despite early, prolonged, repeated, and intense exposure to Academia, she received her BS, MS, and PhD from the College of Bullshitology. Upon completion of her coursework, founder and chairman Dr. Dennis Kastendiek wrote, with some prescience:  she spoils no child, she spares no rod, she drifts in love, and balls with God.

HOBBIES:  Amateur Surgeon [operating only on friends and at parties; no appointment necessary.]
MOTTO: Own your shit and it becomes manure, deny it and you're just treading sewage...
NOW LISTENING TO:  A Different Drummer


"I laughed, I cried, I called my lawyer!"
"When they broke the mold, they made her!"
"She's given new meaning to my life, and she's cuter than Jodie Foster!"
John Hinckley, Jr.
"I AM not coming back until she apologizes!"
Jesus H. Christ
Chris Hedges
Chris Hedges: Videos
John Pilger
Richard Medhurst
Aaron Maté
Max Blumenthal
George Galloway
FLCCC Alliance
Pfizer Documents & Reports
Great Barrington Declaration
Vaccine Safety Research
Global Research
Aaron Siri
Ed Dowd: Humanity Projects
Children's Health Defense
Rounding the Earth
Covid LawCast
US Right to Know
Mark Crispin Miller
Dr. Naomi Wolf
Aaron Kheriaty
Dr. John Campbell
Dr. Matthias Rath
Steve Kirsch
the Civil Rights Lawyer
We the People University
Honor Your Oath
Long Island Audit
Mint Press News
Caitlin Johnstone
Whitney Webb
the GrayZone
Revolutionary BlackOut
Danny Haiphong
Reclaim the Net
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Richard Gage
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Clare Daly
Mick Wallace
the Electronic Intifada
Targeted Justice
Graham Hancock
Randall Carlson: Podcasts